Auto Features

Last Updated: May 15, 2024

Current Version's Features

[✅] - Link scanning

[✅] - Blocked embeded links (for none moderators)

[✅] - Spam detection

[✅] - Invite link remover

[✅] - Mass ping remover

[✅] - Server ping attempt remover

[✅] - SOME bot detection methods

[✅] - Lage text remover

[✅] - Fake link remover

Coming Soon

[❌] - Customisiblity / Settings

[❌] - Raid protection

[❌] - Anti-malware (File scanning)

[❌] - Admin dashboard

[❌] - Profanity filter

[❌] - Moderation commands

[❌] - AI detection (Detects scams by using AI)

[❌] - False reporting system

Auto is currently still in Alpha. This means that a large amount of features in Auto have not yet been finished/released yet.